Your Baby, 15 Month...
STEPPING OUT ALONE Wherever you are and whatever you're doing, your toddler is always keen to go and explore his surroundings. Like a little wind-up toy, as soon as his feet touch the ground, he's off! At this age, children are constantly testing their abilities, climbing onto furniture, opening doors and cupboards, squeezing themselves into corners and getting stuck. At home, keep a regular check on your little one's whereabouts, especially when all goes suspiciously quiet! This usually indicates that baby's found something new and fascinating to do, and it could lead to trouble, or in the very least result in a big mess! When you're out and about, don't expect your toddler to be content just sitting in his pram. He's raring to go and doesn't want to be strapped into a seat! Shopping and going for coffee with friends is definitely more tricky nowadays, so go prepared with toys and snacks to distract you little adventurer. And remember to stay on high alert, ready to divert him away from trouble, whenever he sets off to investigate a new place.
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