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Mom & Baby

Monday, September 25, 2006

Ears shut.....

19 months and yesterday at 21:43pm my little boy found out that if he covers his ears with his fingers then he will not hear the voices and it was fun looking at him doing that stunt again and again, he was enjoying it and was very happy. He dances by moving his little bum right and left. The only one thing which he desperately wants to do is hop, he tries this every day, lets see when he will be really hopping around like bunnies. I keep singing for him "hop little bunny hop hop hop".
It’s really fun watching him grow and do something new everyday.


Don't be surprised if your otherwise friendly child has suddenly started hitting people. Many children this age start communicating their feelings physically, partly as a way to get your attention and partly because their language skills are still limited. To curb this behaviour, make a point of noticing when he communicates without hitting. Positive rewards for acceptable behaviour teach better than negative consequences for bad behaviour. What should you do? Don't put him into social situations when you know he's ready for a nap or too hungry to be calm. And try to spend some time alone with him each day so you can give him your full attention when you play together. Never smack him. Otherwise he learns from you that hitting is ok - they do it to me, why not smack other kids. Hang in there. Soon he'll develop language that he'll find helps him communicate much more effectively.


Between 18 months and 2 years, children are consumed with the desire to explore. Climbing into, around and on top of anything within reach becomes more and more exciting. But your toddler can't be relied upon to worry about heights. That's your job. Toddlers have been found on top of kitchen cupboards, on older kids' bikes and even on the roofs of cars! Now your child will run everywhere rather than walk, and he will start to dance, turn around and try out all of his new motor skills - balancing, twirling, jogging. Keep one hand free so you can grab hold of him whenever necessary. He'll no doubt keep you on your toes.

19 months old...

My Baby is 19 months and he always wants attention from us,
LISTEN TO ME! When words fail him, your toddler has to find other ways of communicating his thoughts, feelings and frustrations. Unfortunately for parents, throwing a tantrum and responding physically is often the easiest option for a toddler who feels he's failing to make himself heard. As your child's personality develops, his range of feelings, his involvement in the world and his desire to make an impact also naturally flourish. Toddlers can be extremely unreasonable when they get an idea into their heads. And while it is your difficult job to steer them in the right direction, none of us are perfect. So you may not always have the right answers when faced with particularly challenging parenting moments. But remember, we all experience difficult times when we question ourselves. Talking to other mothers with tricky toddlers, and being able to laugh together about your most embarrassing or frustrating moments will really help put things into perspective.

18 months old...

BYE-BYE BABY DAYS Your toddler has gained a lot of independence in the last six months. By this age, he is keen to try to manage things alone whenever possible. You find yourself slowed down by his clumsy, but insistent, attempts to feed himself, or his refusals to get into the pushchair when you're in a hurry. It's hard to find a happy medium between encouraging independence and providing the support your child still needs, when the recipient can be so stubborn! Keeping your sense of humour is vital during this stage, as it can be quite exasperating at times. Whenever possible, try to present your toddler with a choice of options to give him the impression that he is playing a real part in the decision making process. If he believes he has some degree of control over his life, he will be less likely to actively seek it out at every opportunity.