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Mom & Baby

Monday, September 25, 2006

19 months old...

My Baby is 19 months and he always wants attention from us,
LISTEN TO ME! When words fail him, your toddler has to find other ways of communicating his thoughts, feelings and frustrations. Unfortunately for parents, throwing a tantrum and responding physically is often the easiest option for a toddler who feels he's failing to make himself heard. As your child's personality develops, his range of feelings, his involvement in the world and his desire to make an impact also naturally flourish. Toddlers can be extremely unreasonable when they get an idea into their heads. And while it is your difficult job to steer them in the right direction, none of us are perfect. So you may not always have the right answers when faced with particularly challenging parenting moments. But remember, we all experience difficult times when we question ourselves. Talking to other mothers with tricky toddlers, and being able to laugh together about your most embarrassing or frustrating moments will really help put things into perspective.


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